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Mesh planning: T-mobile case study

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An inspiring case study in tracking real consumer experiences by Mesh planning. (CLICK HERE  for the full presentation).


The head of Mesh planning Fiona Blades will join us for London in Prague workhop, on 5th of April, 2012. For registration to the workshop CLICK HERE


And now back to the case study with the text and presentation taken from Mesh planning website


Problem:T-Mobile pre-tested communications and tracked brand health but needed to understand how multiple campaigns were working by each element as well as impacting on the brand.

Approach: MESH works alongside T-Mobile’s research, creative and media agencies tracking experiences in real time to help optimise campaigns as they roll out.

Action: At a media level, MESH helped T-Mobile identify the strength of its magazine
strategy for the agency to fully capitalise on this. As the branded value ‘Night In’ proposition
was launched with a variety of executions, the MESH rapid feedback was used to optimise
future executions. At a strategic level, T-Mobile’s online trading team and its agency in
charge of store windows have used MESH insight to feed into future planning. With Orange
and T-Mobile coming together, MESH has gone back over a year’s data to evaluate Orange’s
direct response strategy.